7 Common Flexible Packaging Bag Types , Plastic Flexible Packaging

Common types of plastic flexible packaging bags used in packaging include three-side seal bags, stand-up bags, zipper bags, back-seal bags, back-seal accordion bags, four-side seal bags, eight-side seal bags, special-shaped bags, etc.

Packaging bags of different bag types are suitable for wide categories of products. For brand marketing, they all hope to make a packaging bag that is both suitable for the product and has marketing power. What kind of bag type is more suitable for their own products? Here I will share with you the eight common flexible packaging bag types in packaging. Let's take a look.

1.Three-Sside Seal Bag (Flat Bag Pouch)

The three-side seal bag style is sealed on three sides and open on one side (sealed after bagging at the factory). It can keep moisture and seal well. The bag type with good airtightness. It is usually used to keep the freshness of the product and is convenient to carry. It is an ideal choice for brands and retailers. It is also the most common way to make bags.

Application markets :

Snacks packaging / condiments packaging / facial masks packaging / pet snacks packaging, etc.

2.facial mask packaging three side sealing bag

2.Stand-up Bag (Doypak)

Stand-up bag is a type of soft packaging bag with a horizontal support structure at the bottom. It can stand on its own without relying on any support and whether the bag is opened or not. It has advantages in many aspects such as improving product grade, enhancing shelf visual effects, being light to carry and convenient to use.

Application markets of stand up pouches:

Snacks packaging /jelly candy packaging / condiments bags / cleaning products packaging pouches, etc.

3.Zipper Bag

Zipper bag refers to a package with a zipper structure at the opening. It can be opened or sealed at any time. It has a strong airtightness and has a good barrier effect against air, water, odor, etc. It is mostly used for food packaging or product packaging that needs to be used multiple times. It can extend the shelf life of the product after opening the bag and play a role in waterproofing, moisture-proofing and insect-proofing.

Application markets of zip bag:

Snacks pouches / puffed foods packaging / meat jerky bags / instant coffee bags, etc.

4.Back-sealed bags ( quad seal bag / side gusset bags)

Back-sealed bags are packaging bags with sealed edges on the back of the bag body. There are no sealed edges on both sides of the bag body. The two sides of the bag body can withstand greater pressure, reducing the possibility of package damage. The layout can also ensure that the pattern on the front of the package is complete. Back-sealed bags have a wide range of applications, are light and not easy to break.


Candy / Convenient food / Puffed food / Dairy products, etc.

5.markets of side gusset bags

5.Eight-side seal bags / Flat Bottom Bags / Box Pouches

Eight-side seal bags are packaging bags with eight sealed edges, four sealed edges at the bottom and two edges on each side. The bottom is flat and can stand steadily regardless of whether it is filled with items. It is very convenient whether it is displayed in the cabinet or during use. It makes the packaged product beautiful and atmospheric, and can maintain better flatness after filling the product.

Application of flat bottom pouch:

Coffee beans / tea / nuts and dried fruits / pet snacks, etc.

6.Flat Bottom Bag Packaging

6.Special custom-shaped bags

Special-shaped bags refer to unconventional square packaging bags that require molds to make and can be made into various shapes. Different design styles are reflected according to different products. They are more novel, clear, easy to identify, and highlight the brand image. Special-shaped bags are very attractive to consumers.

7.Shaped packaging plastic bags

7.Spout Pouches

The spout bag is a new packaging method developed on the basis of the stand-up bag. This packaging has more advantages than plastic bottles in terms of convenience and cost. Therefore, the spout bag is gradually replacing plastic bottles and becoming one of the choices for materials such as juice, laundry detergent, sauce, and grains.

The structure of the spout bag is mainly divided into two parts: the spout and the stand-up bag. The stand-up bag part is no different from the ordinary stand-up bag. There is a layer of film at the bottom to support the stand-up, and the spout part is a general bottle mouth with a straw. The two parts are closely combined to form a new packaging method - the spout bag. Because it is a soft package, this type of packaging is easier to control, and it is not easy to shake after sealing. It is a very ideal packaging method.

The nozzle bag is generally a multi-layer composite packaging. Like ordinary packaging bags, it is also necessary to select the corresponding substrate according to different products. As a manufacturer, it is necessary to consider different capacities and bag types and make careful evaluations, including the puncture resistance, softness, tensile strength, thickness of the substrate, etc. For liquid nozzle composite packaging bags, the material structure is generally PET//NY//PE, NY//PE, PET//AL//NY//PE, etc.

Among them, PET/PE can be selected for small and light packaging, and NY is generally required because NY is more resilient and can effectively prevent cracks and leakage at the nozzle position.

In addition to the choice of bag type, the material and printing of soft packaging bags are also important. Flexible, changeable and personalized digital printing can empower design and increase the speed of brand innovation.

Sustainable development and environmental friendliness are also inevitable trends for the sustainable development of soft packaging. Giant companies such as PepsiCo, Danone, Nestle, and Unilever have announced that they will promote sustainable packaging plans in 2025. Major food companies have made innovative attempts in the recyclability and renewability of packaging.

Since discarded plastic packaging returns to nature and the dissolution process is very long, single material, recyclable and environmentally friendly materials will be the inevitable choice for the sustainable and high-quality development of plastic packaging.

3.dishwasher capsules packaging stand up pouches
4.coffee packaging zip bag

Post time: Jun-15-2024